Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Why? Oh Why??

Today, my old blog died! It's like the death of a friend. I don't know what's happened with it, but it won't allow me to post or access any of the settings. So I've decided to just start fresh and move everything over to this new blog. On top of that, our hot water service also died this morning and we've just had a new one installed to the tune of $1300AU thank you very much!
That's one expense we could well do without! But, it was a necessity if we ever want to have a hot shower again or do the dishes without having to boil the kettle a thousand times to fill the sink.

I wonder what #3 will be!!

Reveal #1

Well, two of the projects I completed but couldn't share went to their new home this week. They were presents for my son's girlfriend's 18th birthday. She's a huge Super Mario fan, but prefers Luigi, so I made her a Luigi amigurumi (courtesy of Wolfdreamer) and a matching Yoshi (courtesy of Robotrish).
My son delivered them on Monday night, I couldn't do it myself, so got him to do it on my behalf and I recieved a message thanking me profusely and I was told that I'm awesome LOL
I'm glad that she liked them!
So without further ado....here they are.....

 I think they turned out pretty cute! I've already been asked if I can make other things and would I do so for other people :)
Excuse me while I go and deflate my head LOL

Stay tuned for Reveal # 2, which is still a while off.....

It's Been A While.......

Well it's been a while since I've had a chance to revisit and update any posts.

Life has been pretty hectic for me over the past few months. My 85 year old mother had to come and live with us as she was no longer capable of living alone. Mum was diagnosed with epilepsy approximately 2 years ago and her health has been deteriorating ever since. At the time of this post, mum is currently in hospital and not doing too well. She was admitted last week suffering from major confusion and was very unsteady on her feet, so the doctor thought it best to admit her and run tests and keep her under close supervision. I have to go and meet with the doctor later on this afternoon and find out what is going to happen from here on out.

It's so hard watching someone who has been there all your life and you've alway seen as being strong and independent, become a shell of their former self. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that this would be the way things would turn out. I'm just glad that I have had these past few months to spend with mum and being able to be there for her like she's always been for me.

I love you, mum <3

Secret Crafter's Business

I decided that I would give a bit of a teaser in regards to my last post about what I've been up to.

I'm only going to show small snippets of each item and let's see if anyone can figure out what they are! :)

Ok I know! Not the greatest snippet but you should still be able to get an idea of what it may be!
 Same colour as the previous picture, but this is not the same object. It's something completely different. Do those eyes look familiar?? lol
This is something that I have designed myself and is going to someone special. It's a definite case of 'rebel crafting' and I hope the intended recipient likes it as much as I do!
 This final snippet is from a cute little project that I just had to make for someone. This has another dose of rebel crafting because I didn't like a part of it, so chose to do it my way!

Any ideas as to what they could be??? No??
I guess you'll just have to wait until I can post the full photo's. 
Stay tuned! :)   

More Owls :)

OK! So I'm still on the owl kick. To date, I have made 14 and have another one that I am finishing off tonight. Here's one that I made a couple of weeks ago, not crocheted, but from my felt and button stash for a change! I think it turned out really nice. I might just have to make some more of these in different sizes and colours :)

My Creative Daughter

It's good to know that I am not the only creative one in the family. My daughter also seems to have a creative streak!
My mother gave her a pair of shoes and she hated the fact that they were so plain. She's 16 and very fashion conscious.
She came up with a plan to do something with the shoes, all she needed was some greaseproof (baking) paper, some sharpie markers and creativity. 
This is what she came up with.....

I love the way she's chosen a "theme" for each shoe. One for Dinosaurs and the other for Monsters. All her friends are nagging her to make them a pair, but she tells them they are "one of a kind" shoes. My girl definitely likes to be unique!
I think they turned out wonderful! 

And here's the creator....
She will most likely hate me for posting this photo of her here, but, thems the breaks kiddo! 
Love ya Eb :)   

Just Because....

This guy, as you know from my last post, is my favourite owl!
I just had to post a photo of him all on his own...
 And just so these other guys don't feel left out.....
This is Mr Hoot - my very first owl! 
Red Heart published this pattern in their 12 Days of Christmas patterns 
in December last year.
I felt the urge to have to make this. 
It was supposed to be tree ornament size, but I used thicker yarn
and a larger hook and ended up with an owl that stands about 6" high (lol)

And this last one is from the Annie's Attic- Fantasy Doorstops book. 
I left out the bottle weight and altered the wings slightly so they have some definition. 
My son tells me that he looks constantly surprised :)  
These are the only ones that I have taken single photo's of so far, maybe some time in the near future when I can remember to keep my camera batteries charged long enough, I may do a proper photo shoot with them all.....watch this space :)  

Whoooooo Goes There....

It's been a while since I've had a chance to update this page. Life has been pretty hectic, to say the least!
I've been on an amigurumi kick lately and have been making owls. I've made them in all shapes and sizes, knit and crochet and still have some more to make, but they have been put on a hold for now because I decided I needed a new tote bag instead :)
Here they all are:  

 As you can see, there is quite an eclectic collection of both paid and free patterns! My favourite one would have to be the knitted Alan Dart "Night Owl". You can't miss him in his green pj's and clutching his little teddy bear :)  Cuteness overload!!!

Here Kitty Kitty

My daughter is a huge Hello Kitty fan and after looking around the shops and seeing the prices they were charging for the mass manufactured felt Hello Kitty dolls that were tiny, I decided to surprise her and have a bit of a hunt around to see what was available on the web. I found the perfect pattern and within a couple of days, my daughter had her very own Hello Kitty.
I think she's adorable!!

Little Green Man

I not only crochet, but I knit as well and came across a gorgeous Alan Dart pattern called Yuletide Gnomes late last year. I made a few of them in Christmas colours to give to my mother and mother-in-law and a couple of friends as Christmas presents and I couldn't resist making one for myself.
I chose not to have traditional Christmas colours with mine, so I made him in green and he doesn't have to get packed away for most of the year. I think he's way too cute to be packed in a box and he has been given his own little home and is on display for the whole year.
These are so easy to make...

Laptop/Notebook Cosy

I finally managed to save enough money to buy myself a laptop and didn't have anywhere to store it. I looked around the shops and couldn't find anything that I liked in the price range I could afford, so I decided to go through my stash and see what yarn I had lurking in there.
I found some co-ordinating colours and just needed to find a pattern.
After hunting around forever for a suitable pattern, I couldn't find one I liked, so I decided to create my own and this is what I came up with.
Unfortunately I didn't write it down so don't have a pattern to share but it's pretty simple.
I even decided to make a similar cosy for my iPod Touch.