Well it's been a while since I've had a chance to revisit and update any
Life has been pretty hectic for me over the past few months. My 85
year old mother had to come and live with us as she was no longer capable of
living alone. Mum was diagnosed with epilepsy approximately 2 years ago and her
health has been deteriorating ever since. At the time of this post, mum is
currently in hospital and not doing too well. She was admitted last week
suffering from major confusion and was very unsteady on her feet, so the doctor
thought it best to admit her and run tests and keep her under close supervision.
I have to go and meet with the doctor later on this afternoon and find out what
is going to happen from here on out.
It's so hard watching someone who
has been there all your life and you've alway seen as being strong and
independent, become a shell of their former self. I never imagined in my wildest
dreams that this would be the way things would turn out. I'm just glad that I
have had these past few months to spend with mum and being able to be there for
her like she's always been for me.
I love you, mum <3
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